Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
AJANTA office paste +bottle |
16 |
ANKUR office |
9 |
AURA open plan office syste |
19 |
BIG office store |
35 |
CANTRONICS office equipment |
9, 16 |
COMPLIANCE office solution |
35 |
ENDURO office ware |
20 |
HIT office |
42 |
INDEX office +arrows |
35 |
KANVE office furniture |
20 |
LEAP office |
9 |
LUTHRA & LUTHRA law office |
16 |
MICROSOFT office xp |
9, 16 |
MIRROR office file |
16 |
MONSTER office hq |
16 |
NEFM home & office furnitur |
20 |
ORANGE interiors office hom |
20, 37 |
PAN office systems +cabinet |
6 |
PINNACLE office automation |
9 |
RELIANCE office world |
42 |
RELIANCE smart office |
9, 16, 38 |
SERVCORP smart office |
9, 35, 36, 38, 42 |
STAR box office |
9 |
TODAY'S office plus +oval |
16 |
ZEBRA office file +zebra |
16 |
ZONE the virtual office |
9, 16 |
ZONE virtual office +cartoo |
9 |
intelligent office |
35, 36, 38 |
plan your office +circle |
16 |
shop office LEADER |
37 |
officemate +paper clip |
35 |
officer's CHEERS |
33 |
officer's CHOICE |
30 |
officer's CHOICE +man |
25 |
officer's CLUB OC +cartoon |
33 |
officer's CLUB TILOKSONS |
33 |
CAPTAIN +officer |
3 |
REX shoes officer |
25 |
WHITE COLLAR by officer |
25 |
DABAS AND DABAS law offices |
45 |
JBLO JURY BRAIN law offices |
42 |
LEGACY law offices |
45 |
LUTHRA & LUTHRA law offices |
16, 42 |
OJUS law offices +circle |
45 |
officetime +squares |
16 |
OAG official airlane guide |
9 |
OAG official airline guide |
16 |
GALLANTIC high speed offset |
7 |
PRINTEX offset printing |
35 |
RAJMUDRA offset +octagon |
40 |
FALCON offshore +bird & ova |
42 |
GOOS GLOBAL offshore +arrow |
16 |
OTL offshore technolabs |
42 |
great offshore +plant & ova |
42 |
great offshore +plant circl |
39 |
ofloxacin ADOXIN 100dt |
5 |
ofloxacin FLOXATOP 200mg |
5 |
OFVID 200 ofloxacin tablets |
5 |
ofm ruchi macaroni +plants |
30 |
25 |
oh BABOL |
30 |
oh PEARL |
6, 8, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 25, 26, 35, 36, 42 |
18, 26, 35 |
oh STEEL |
16, 25 |
oh-floxa-tz |
5 |
CHAT'S oh! calcutta |
29 |
CHAT'S oh! calcutta +buildi |
32 |
S A.P.C. POWER oh no +man |
5 |
4 |
METROHM process lab +ohem |
9 |
ohio ART +globe |
28 |
ohio ART the world of toys |
28 |
28 |
ohm BABA towels |
24 |
42 |
ohm ram |
41 |
goel's ohms electronic |
16 |
oho! KRAMSI chocolate |
30 |
deluxe ohp marker CD MATE |
16 |
STOLICHNAYA stoli ohranj |
33 |
oil & gas JOURNAL |
9 |
oil GAARD |
4 |
oil OF OLAY +woman & circle |
3 |
oil field india +horse |
4 |
oil of kerala MALHAR +tree |
3 |
36 mustard oil +sun & flowe |
29 |
555 cotton seed oil |
29 |
555 cotton seed oil NATIONA |
29 |
555 groundnut oil |
29 |
555 groundnut oil NATIONAL |
29 |
555 hair oil +building tree |
3 |
555 pure groundnut oil +sta |
29 |
777 oil |
5 |
A alfa-PLUS lube oil |
4 |
A2O algae to oil +leaves |
4 |
AACHI gingelly oil +woman |
29 |
AAKSHAJ DEEPAM oil +lamps |
3 |
AAROHI oil of peach +spiral |
3 |
AARTI mustard oil +lamp |
29 |
AARVI refined soyabean oil |
29 |